What kind of cinema Kino Visio is?

Our cinema is equipped with state of the art picture and sound technology. They are suited perfectly for standard moviescreenings but also to meetings and live performance use. Digital and 3D film projectors make your moviegoing experience unforgettable.

Our cinema is child friendly and has wheelchair spaces. Kino Visio has 104 customer seats, two of which have reserved for the disabled.

We also offer popcorn, sweets, beverages and juices. Most of the films are presented in the original language with Finnish subtitles. Children’s films are mainly spoken in Finnish.

How to request a movie or submit some feedback?

You can request a movie or send general feedback using the form found below.

Where is Kino Visio located?

Kino Visio is located in immeadiacy of Sotkamo towncenter at Salmelantie 6. When arriving from Vuokatti, please drive trough the city center towards the church. Salmelantie will be at your left hand side before the church. After about a 1 kilometer the theater will be on the left side of the road where you can also park your car.

Please use the main entrance and follow the stairs to ground floor where Kino Visio’s ticket sale and the theater hall is located. The building also has a elevator which is located at the right side of the entrance down the hallway.

Can one make a reservation at Kino Visio?

Box office desk opens 30 minutes before the days first screening. Tickets need to be purchased on location. As of now we are not currently selling tickets online nor through phone but reservations can be made by calling us. Reserved tickets must be claimed 30 minutes before the screening. 

How to contact us?

Our box office desk answers during business hours:

+35844 539 7309 (standard mobilephone rate)

Cinemas administrative corporation’s contact information:

Versova Puu ry
Hevoskatu 4
044 539 7309

Business ID: 2403988-2

Where do our profits go?

Versova Puu ry corresponds of the movie theaters operations. Kino Visio’s profits go towards youth work.

More information:

Send Us Feedback
+35844 539 7309

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